What is a pre-roll?
A pre-roll is a premade or prefabricated cannabis smoke, commonly known as a joint. It consists of ground up shake, bud, or nuggets of cannabis flower that are twisted up in a rolling paper with, usually, a small cardboard crutch—or even a filter—at one end. Pre-rolls are prepared by a designated cannabis vendor, oftentimes in house by employees, and sold ready-to-smoke from a dispensary, making them simple, practical, and easy to enjoy. They can vary by weight, potency, size, and cannabis strain.
How do you use a pre-roll?
Using a pre-roll is like using a cigarette. They come ready to smoke right off the shelf, so there is no fumbling around with grinding the cannabis with your fingers or a mechanical device, or losing finer product during the process of rolling the joint. Having them already rolled also takes any anxiety out of keeping a smooth shape to the paper. You simply light it and enjoy.
How potent are pre-rolls?
The potency of a pre-roll depends on the strain of cannabis that is inside it. Sativa dominant strains usually deliver a creativity-inducing, euphoric high while indica dominant strains usually deliver a relaxed, mellow, and calming high. Additionally, pre-rolls come in all shapes and sizes that can range from thick cigar-like blunts to large two grams to a thin .5 grams.
What are the benefits of pre-rolls over other types of cannabis?
The biggest benefit of pre-rolls compared to other types of cannabis consumption is convenience. There is no process in their preparation. There is no loading of a bowl, crumbling, grinding, cooking, or rolling on your own. All that is required is the lighting of a match or the sparking of a lighter. And on that matter of cooking, a joint is a far gentler high than any manner of thc food or beverage.
How do I know that a pre-roll is good?
The best way to find out if a pre-roll is good or not is by asking your bud tender at the dispensary. They will know exactly what you are looking for and have the ability to cross-reference your interests with all of the characteristics that go in to each and every joint.
What are the different types of pre-rolls?
Classic cone pre-rolls: These are normally rolled in hemp, rice, or unbleached papers and the cones are filled with cannabis and twisted at the end to make it easier to light evenly. The cone shape helps to maintain a more even burn.
King-size cone pre-rolls: These are nearly identical to the classic cone but are much larger with a cone or funnel shape and a wider filter or crutch.
Blunts: These are large, usually the size of a cigar, sometimes bigger than the king-size, and are normally rolled with pressed hemp wrapper or a traditional tobacco-leaf wrapping. They also come in a variety of flavors.
Cannabis cigarettes: These appear as ordinary cigarettes and this make them exceptionally discreet. The cigarette-like paper funnels come in packs like cigarettes and often contain foam filters like cigarettes.
Kief pre-rolls: These are an extra-potent form of pre-roll because they are only made of kief. They are generally found with standard size cones and regular joint papers and weigh between .25-.75 grams of just kief.
Oil-dipped pre-rolls: within these joints, the flower is dipped into cannabis oil before being ground and rolled. Sometimes, the oil may also be added as a thin thread to the inside of the paper before rolling, applied outside of the paper, or even syringe injected with the cannabis oil.
Dips and rolls: these types of pre-rolls have been oil-dipped and rolled in kief, hash, or thc/cbd isolate for extra levels of potency.
Caviar pre-rolls: cannabis caviar is yet another way to enhance a pre-roll. They are made by oil-dipping the flower in a cannabis concentrate and rolling the buds into layers of kief. They are extremely potent and a premium variety of pre-roll.
Cannabis cigars: similar to blunts, cannabis cigars are made entirely from the cannabis plant, including the cannabis leaf wrapper. These are top-of-the-line quality and are often infused with another type of cannabis, like distillate or oil, to hold the cigar together and for a slower burn.
How are pre-rolls made?
Dispensaries generally make pre-rolls by breaking nuggets down and grinding them up. The mix is loaded into a pre-rolled paper cone that may contain a filter and a machine shakes the joints to settle the mixture and remove any air pockets but ensure that it is not overly packed tight. Then it is twisted for easy lighting.
Who should buy pre-rolls?
Pre-rolls are great for first-time cannabis shoppers because they are small, portable, and take out the hassle of grinding up and rolling your own flower. More specifically, some medical users will find it difficult to roll their own joints due to their illness, and pre-rolls are completely ready to smoke. In addition, those who smoke during outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, or skiing will find the compact and prefabricated nature of the pre-roll conducive to their exploits.
Why should you buy pre-rolls?
If you have difficulty rolling your own joints or you simply want to enjoy the convenience of having them already rolled, pre-rolls are the perfect solution. They are affordable, easy to use, convenient, and come in a variety of strains and types so you can explore your options before committing to a whole jar of cannabis.